#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; ### Run ifconfig and store the data in the @Temp list. my @Temp = `/sbin/ifconfig`; #### Search for ppp my $Search = "ppp"; ### If you are looking for the ip address of your ethernet card, ### uncomment the next line; # $Search = "eth0"; ### Make the line we find the ip address blank initially. my $Match_Line = ""; my $Match_Device = "no"; ## Search through the lines, if we find a match, save the lines until ## we find a blnak line. foreach my $Line (@Temp) { ### If we have a match, abort. if ($Match_Line ne "") {@Temp = ();} ### else, see if we can find a match at the beginning of line; elsif ($Line =~ /^$Search/) {$Match_Device = "yes";} ### else, if we found the device, and we find the line we are looking for elsif (($Match_Device eq "yes") && ($Line =~ /^ +inet/)) {$Match_Line = $Line;} } ## If our $Match_Line is not blank, split it and get the ip address. my $IP = ""; if ($Match_Line ne "") { ### Get rid of stuff before addr: my ($Junk,$Good) = split(/addr\:/, $Match_Line,2); ### Get rid of stuff after the first space my ($Good,$Junk) = split(/ /, $Good,2); $IP = $Good; } ## If $IP is not blank, we have something. Save to file and trasnfer file ## to remote site. if ($IP ne "") { open(FILE,">/tmp/IP.txt"); print FILE "$IP\n"; close FILE; system ('rsync -av -e ssh /tmp/IP.txt web1@somecomputer.com:public_html/IP.txt'); } ### Else, we should send ourselves an email, or do something ### to let us know it didn't work. This is left as an exercise. else {}